Protection for what you value most

Years Experience
Toowoomba & Gold Coast Insurance Brokers
Choosing the right insurance for you
When it comes to insurance, many options can be tailored to your individual needs and circumstances. Our expert team is here to guide you with general advice and help you choose the right insurance.
We work with clients throughout south-east Queensland, northern New South Wales and beyond.
Life Wealth Protection
Local. Experienced. Understanding.
The team at Life Wealth Protection (formerly Rural Financial Services) have over 50 years of experience in the finance and insurance industry. Safeguard and protect you and your family now and into the future.
Work with our experienced insurance brokers who will help you personalise your insurance protection with their personal or general advice on policies that are suitable for your circumstances.
Excellent Protection
Peace of mind
Safeguard your Wealth

Working With Leading Insurance Providers