Business Expenses Insurance

Protecting Your Business

Business Expenses Insurance for businesses in Toowoomba, Gold Coast & South-East Queensland

What is business expenses insurance?

Business expenses insurance is a type of insurance policy taken out by self-employed business owners, to ensure that fixed operating expenses are still able to be paid in the event of serious sickness or injury.

As a business owner, you don’t usually think twice about insuring business assets such as premises, stock, plant and equipment. However, it is important to remember, you are one of your most important assets. Without you working in your business, how would it survive?

Given this, it is important to consider taking out business expenses insurance to ensure you can cover your fixed and ongoing financial expenses if you were unable to work due to injury or sickness.

What are the benefits of taking out Business Expenses insurance?

Business expenses insurance is an important insurance to take out to ensure you are able to pay your fixed business expenses as a self-employed person, in the event of sickness or injury. 

Business expenses insurance is a monthly benefit payment that is used to cover the fixed business expenses of your business if you suddenly become injured or sick.

The amount of business expenses insurance you need is dependent on your circumstances. It is recommended that you consider the monthly fixed costs your business pays out and allow for any future increases. 

To take out a business expenses insurance policy please contact our team to book an appointment to discuss your circumstances and what coverage you need.

Ready to protect your future?